Teranga means hospitality. Senegal is known for the warmth of its people as well as its climate. Do you need a break? a vacation with your family? or a touch of mama Africa's ? Come to Senegal for an unforgettable time.

Discover Senegal

SENEGAL. A place where sun shines almost all year round. Come visit hundreds of miles of beautiful estuaries, mangrove swamps, savannah, seaside resorts and warm waters brushing the endless stretches of sandy beaches from ‘la petite cote’of Senegal to Gambia Places where one can relax , do surfing, scuba-diving, kayak ,enjoy fresh grilled fish by the seaside etc..


Language & culture

learn about life through the eyes of the people, the culture and the languages. in here you will get first hand experience of the speciality of Africa and Senegal. Getting the tools to interact and bond with a majority of africans. through French you will acquire the skill to communicate with a big portion of africans all over the continent. Besides French you need to learn Wolof that is the most spoken language in Senegal and its borders.

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Coming event

Jazz Festival

Saint-Louis is known for its colonial history and unique island setting, but over the past three decades the city has become synonymous with jazz. Welcoming a myriad of global stars, festival-goers, nationalities, languages and cultures, the Saint-Louis Jazz festival is the largest in Africa. According to local lawyer and president of the Saint-Louis Jazz Festival, Ibrahima Diop, the festival started out in 1993 as “a way of developing tourism during the off-season, a way of showing tourists the history of this old colonial town, as well as its culture and local colour”. Fast-forward 27 years and the festival is a firm fixture on the international jazz scene.

Come visit Senegal

When is the good time to come?
now !
Senegal is always ready to welcome you so click the button and get ready to land in Africa